Set in the beautiful coastal town of Ostend, Belgium and curated by The Crystal Ship, this project brought together participants from Duinhelm, a social service...
"My mask is called Higher Self. I found it ironic that the mask making came at a time when I realized I had unmasked...
It was such a pleasure to collaborate with the Esker Foundation and the mindfulness for youth team at YWCA Calgary with over 30 kiddos exploring how mask...
Commissioned by Calgary Municipal Land Corporation Located on bridge abutments, sheds and public washrooms along RiverWalk, the artwork – entitled Bridge – is truly a representation...
A series of masked portraits created at a residency at the Santa Fe Art Institute in 2018. I have witnessed how masks have been a...
In 2018 I attended a residency at the Vermont Studio Centre. Here I made a series of small 2D persona portraits that I turned into masks. These...
This series was done in collaboration with Mimi Haddon , an textile artist based in Los Angeles. Together we fused costuming and mask at the Palace...
During a 2018 residency at the Santa Fe Art Institute, I created a project titled Shadow that explored relationships between myself, various participants, the mask, and the...